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Studied under Lauren Seldon. Graduated 2015 with a major in jewlery and a minor in geology.  

Stephen F. Austin

Work from 2013-2015
Persephone's Necklace. 2014. with printmaker Mathew Sutter.
SFASU and NMSU metals collaberation project: 824 miles with Tatum Blankley. 2014
Jelly Fish Evolution. 2014. The oldest known jellyfish is 500 million years old. A T-rex is 66 million years old, and the first homo sapiens are .2 million years old. In this piece, jellyfish have evolved to adapt to live in a flooded house. The polyps have camouflaged to look like copper piping, hiding from predators. A hard silicate (glass) shell covers the tops of the jellyfish as a defense, the different colors produced by eating trash and sand around the house. Copper pennies make blue, tin cans make white, and so on.

Bee Evolution. 2015. In response to "the bees are dying", this piece shows what the next level of honey bees could look like. Three bees have evolved, or adapted, to living in three different environments: freezing temperatures, extreme heat, constant rain. The hollow constructed honey combs, where the bee's brood develops, has punnett squares representing possible genetic outcomes.
Map Pendants. 2015. To simulate the experience of "map day" in geology lab class. 

Post Undergrad Independent Study

In a home studio in Texas. Learning to work smaller scale, with less expensive tools, and how to critique my own work. In between custom orders and products for the store, self assigning projects like a ring a day for 2 weeks or 20 enamel samples. 
Enamel studies. 2016-current
Cloisonne fossiles. 2016.
Collaboration with Katherine Holmes, a painter from Texas. A work a week inspired by each others previous week's piece. 2016

HMFA's Glassell School of Art; workshops

Studying under Jan Harrell, learning a broader range of enameling techniques and a fearless attitude. 2016-2017
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